Thursday, December 25, 2008

Fishing Trip On 21th Dec 2008

Venue: MSP
Weather: Windy
Rigs: Apollo
Baits: Dead prawns

Total Catches: Me 1 Wabi, Qw 1 Catfish

Fishing Trip On 19th Dec 2008

Venue: Prmp
Rigs: Apollo
Weather: Windy and Cloudy
Baits: Live Prawns

Took a day leave on this fri and went fishing with CX
Got Lots and Lots of misses..Ard 4-5 bites with rod bending. But when i strike, it either gone or lose it in few sec time.
Got a feeling that those are big fishes but well... it jus not my day i guess...
At ard 1-2pm, I finally got a positive bite. Reel in the slack line and STRIKE! Fish ON!
Pass the rod to CX but the KBL done a somersault and it gone.........
At ard 4-5pm, got a free fish who was snagged to the pond too. A 1kg plus Ang Chor.
At ard 6-7pm, got 2 bites but well lose it again. 6.45pm, finally got a consolation prize.
A small Jepun.
Total Catches: 1 Ang Chor and 1 Jepun

Fishing Marathon

Venue: TMJ
Baits: Live Prawns
Weather: Cloudy
Rigs: Floater
Date: 13th Dec Noon - 14th Dec Morning

I started fishing from 2pm all the way to 9pm. Ard 6pm, one malay fisho kana one big KBL. But lose it while I was trying to pull it up. What a waste.
Anyway i got LOTAS of misses..and only got a pathetic fish in my noon session.
Ard 7pm, Joel jio me to fish thru out the nite. I immediately agree and cont my fishing session till next morning 7am.
Total Catches: 4 (1 in the noon and 3 in the nite)
Misses: Numerous

TMJ Pond(Nite View)

Total Catches

Fishing Trip On 28th Nov 2008

Venue: Prmp
Rigs: Apollo
Baits: Live prawns
Weather: Fine

Few days back, one of my colleague jio me for fishing and there we are on Fri nite. 2 of my female colleague also follow along.

I got my first KBL ard 12am-1am. Joel also got his first KBL ard 2am while reeling in.

Jieying and Serene Catches!

Joel and Me and Joel's KBL

Serene and her fish

Jieying with KBLs


Total Catches: Me 1, Joel 1

Morning~ Time to go home.........

Fishing Trip On 6th Dec 2008

Venue: TMJ

Bait: Live Prawns

Rigs: Float

I manage to hook onto a fish that is snagged to the bed of the pond.

Have several misses.

Results: Me 1, Qw 2