Thursday, December 25, 2008

Fishing Trip On 21th Dec 2008

Venue: MSP
Weather: Windy
Rigs: Apollo
Baits: Dead prawns

Total Catches: Me 1 Wabi, Qw 1 Catfish

Fishing Trip On 19th Dec 2008

Venue: Prmp
Rigs: Apollo
Weather: Windy and Cloudy
Baits: Live Prawns

Took a day leave on this fri and went fishing with CX
Got Lots and Lots of misses..Ard 4-5 bites with rod bending. But when i strike, it either gone or lose it in few sec time.
Got a feeling that those are big fishes but well... it jus not my day i guess...
At ard 1-2pm, I finally got a positive bite. Reel in the slack line and STRIKE! Fish ON!
Pass the rod to CX but the KBL done a somersault and it gone.........
At ard 4-5pm, got a free fish who was snagged to the pond too. A 1kg plus Ang Chor.
At ard 6-7pm, got 2 bites but well lose it again. 6.45pm, finally got a consolation prize.
A small Jepun.
Total Catches: 1 Ang Chor and 1 Jepun

Fishing Marathon

Venue: TMJ
Baits: Live Prawns
Weather: Cloudy
Rigs: Floater
Date: 13th Dec Noon - 14th Dec Morning

I started fishing from 2pm all the way to 9pm. Ard 6pm, one malay fisho kana one big KBL. But lose it while I was trying to pull it up. What a waste.
Anyway i got LOTAS of misses..and only got a pathetic fish in my noon session.
Ard 7pm, Joel jio me to fish thru out the nite. I immediately agree and cont my fishing session till next morning 7am.
Total Catches: 4 (1 in the noon and 3 in the nite)
Misses: Numerous

TMJ Pond(Nite View)

Total Catches

Fishing Trip On 28th Nov 2008

Venue: Prmp
Rigs: Apollo
Baits: Live prawns
Weather: Fine

Few days back, one of my colleague jio me for fishing and there we are on Fri nite. 2 of my female colleague also follow along.

I got my first KBL ard 12am-1am. Joel also got his first KBL ard 2am while reeling in.

Jieying and Serene Catches!

Joel and Me and Joel's KBL

Serene and her fish

Jieying with KBLs


Total Catches: Me 1, Joel 1

Morning~ Time to go home.........

Fishing Trip On 6th Dec 2008

Venue: TMJ

Bait: Live Prawns

Rigs: Float

I manage to hook onto a fish that is snagged to the bed of the pond.

Have several misses.

Results: Me 1, Qw 2

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fishing Trip On 15112008

Weather: Cloudy
Time:9.30am - 5.30pm
Venue: TMJ
From 9.30am to 1.30pm no bite at all.

Finally ard 1.30pm, my float dip and i make a terrible mistake by striking too fast..
There goes my first fish.

Wait and wait and finally 3.30pm i got my first kbl of the day.
Ard 4pm i hit a 2nd kbl while reeling back but halfway thru, it decided to give a somersault and wave byebye to me…
Already knew it, while fighting cos hook is not set nicely.

Anyway ard 4.30pm, Qw also got his first kbl.
Have a couple of misses till 5.30pm before we decided to call it a day.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fishing Trip On 01112008

Weather: Cool
Rig: Apollo
Venue: MSP

Total catch: 1 worm(JH) and 1 small ack(QW)

As we are too bored..we did something terrible to the worm. :x

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fishing Trip On 18th Oct

Venue: MSP
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Weather: Cloudy to Heavy rain
Rig: Apollo with smaller size hook.
Baits: Dead Prawn
Started fishing at 1 pm and keep kana sangkot!.
Lose at least 5-6 rigs and weights before i got a consolation prize

A palm size An Go Li

It was bleeding already when i landed it. Therefore it was not released as chances of survival is low.
Not long later, Sudden Heavy Rain comes..and it time to went home

Some pics taken at home

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pathetic Catches..

Date: 16092008
Venue: Tmj
Rig: Floater
Bait: Live Prawns

Catch: 2 kbl

Photo first before Released~


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pathetic Catches..

Date: 11092008
Venue: Tmj
Rig: Floater
Bait: Live Prawns
Catch: 1 kbl
Fate: Released


One and only one Catch AGAIN~ Sigh..

Friday, September 5, 2008

Pathetic Night On 05092008

Venue: Prmp
Time: 6.30pm - 3am
Baits: Live Prawn and Kembong
Rigs: Floater and Sinker
Weather: Cloudy

Total Catch: One and Only One Ang Kuey

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fishing trip at tmj on 300808

Weather: Cloudy
Baits: Live Prawns
Time: 9am - 4pm

Total Catches: 5 kbl and 1 mj
Me: 3kbl, Qw: 2 kbl and 1 mj.

It was a slow day.Our catches only start after 12pm while we registered a big fat zero in the morning.
I got 2 hit in the morning but both were ‘released’ when they do a somersault in front of me.
Qw also lose a few during the fight..

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fishing Trip On 230808

Time: 10am - 5.30pm
Venue: Punggol End(AM) & Yishun Dam (PM)
Baits: Live Prawns
Weather: Thunderstorm

Bian yu caught at punggol end.

Front and back view

Jellyfish scoop up with a net at yishun dam

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fishing Trip on 09082008(TMJ)

Weather: Sunny follow by cloudy
Baits: Live Prawns
Total Catch: 2 KBL
Miss quite a few with line break.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fishing Trip On 020808

Weather: Sunny
Baits: Live prawns
Rigs: Floater
Total Catch: Me 2 kbl , Qw 1kbl & 3 MJ

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fishing Trip On 270708(My first fish on LURE!)

Venue: Prmp
Baits: Live prawns, milkfish and spinning rubber
Rigs: Both floater and sinker
Total catch: 1 Kbl by spinning rubber
Makan Time!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prawning Trip On 260708

Venue: Bottle Tree
Weather: Cool
Rig: Floater
Baits: Chicken Heart
Total Catch: 14

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Prawning Trip On 120708

Venue: Bishan
Baits: Chicken heart and baby catfish
Weather: Sunny
Catch: Pathetic (15 Prawns)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fishing Trip On 110708

Fishing Trip On 110708
Venue: Prmp
Weather: Cool
Time: 5.30pm-4am
Rigs: Floater and sinker
Baits: Live prawns and Kembong
Catch: Pathetic(1 and only 1 milkfish)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bungsamran Fishing Lake

Venue: Bungsamran Fishing Lake(Bangkok)
Weather: Sunny and Windy
Rig: Floater
Date: 5th July 2008

Time: 10.30am - 4.30pm
Baits: Secret Formula

Was my first time to Thailand and fish at the infamous bungsamran fishing lake.

Snack Shop

Our Bungalow

Ah Chai, The taxi driver

Mr Golf, My Guide

The young helper

Reached there at ard 10am and started fishing at 10.30am.

Preparing the tackle

Preparation and Rigging up the bait

Tackle used

Was waiting for Cx outside the toilet when there was a hookup.
Only jus started abt 10 mins and so fast a fish?!?
Ran back and started to fight my first fish of the day!

Being inexperience and first time fishing there, the fish manage to play dirty and went to the snags beside my bungalow.

Was fighting it for abt ten mins when i finally see it surfaced for 1 sec and off it dive towards the snag…and my first miss of the day.

Was a bit sad but well started to wait for my 2nd fish.
Manage to bring 5 fishes up from 11am - 2pm.

Hook up!

My First Mekong!

~Releasing it back~

Hook up again!

My 2nd Mekong

3rd Mekong

Rod BEND Again!!

4th Mekong!

Waiting for the next fight~

Fish On!

And up came the 5th!

2pm-3.30pm dunno what happen. No fish bite and no fish landed.

Our Lunch

3.30pm-4.30pm landed another 4 more fishes

Rod Bend Again!

The 6th!

Fierce Fight Again!

And there go the No. 7th


Toughest Fight of the Day!

Our No. 8th and also the biggest of the day. Est at least 20kg!

And Finally Our Last One~~ No. 9th!

Total Catch: 9 Giant mekong catfish ranging from 15kg-20kg plus.
Total Miss: 1 lost to snags, 2 fight halfway and gone and 3 miss strikes.